jeudi 26 octobre 2017

RShiny : checkBox format

Current status of the boxes : enter image description here

I am unable to improve the following things :

  1. Have the text in a row by itself(The Select the modules... one)
  2. The box and text are not aligned on the same line.
  3. The checkboxes on the top line are slightly truncated.(the remaining is encircled below)
  4. The labels(a to j) need to be in white bold text.

This is what I have tried so far :

code for checkBox :

controls <-
  list(tags$div(align = 'left', 
                class = 'multicol', 
                checkboxGroupInput(inputId  = 'modules', 
                                   label    = my_div("Step 1 : Select the modules to be executed", strong_em = "strong", 22, "left"), 
                                   choices  = c(process_names),
                                   selected = "",
                                   inline   = FALSE)))

code to get multicolumn, larger boxes etc

          "label {font-size: 22px; }  #controls the text of check-boxes
           input[type=checkbox] {transform: scale(2);}#controls the size of checkbox
           .multicol {font-size:22px; height: 150px; 
                      -webkit-column-count: 4; 
                      -moz-column-count: 4; 
                      column-count: 4; -moz-column-fill: auto;
                     -column-fill: auto;} #increases the size of checkboxes
           div.checkbox {margin-top: 10px;color:'#FFFFFF';font-weight: bold;}

the main layout of code :

  # here the tags$style appear,

    position = "left",

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