mardi 23 février 2021

Dropdown menu select required if checkbox is checked

I'm going to ask you a help with HTML/Javascript (I must not use Jquery).

I have a document with lots of checkboxes. Usually I check one or more checkboxes and I click the button Save to pass to another page. Only if I check the checkbox with the id "cool" it has to be mandatory to select one choice from the dropdown menu with id "list". So if I select the checkbox "cool" and I don't select a choice from the dropmenu it must not be possible to save the page. I tried several codes with javascript (script one and script two) but they don't work. Can you help me?

This is the checkbox

<input type="checkbox" id="cool" name="Performance" value="ON">

This is the dropdown menu

<select id="list" name="Info">

Script One I tried

   function scriptone()
       var checkBox=document.getElementById("cool");
       if (checkBox.checked == true)
          {     document.getElementById("list").required =  true;

Script Two I tried

        document.getElementById("cool").addEventListener('change', function(){
        document.getElementById("list").required =  this.checked;

Let me know if you need further information. Thank you.

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