dimanche 7 février 2021

How to I set checked value on dynamically created iCheck styled checkbox

I am populating checkboxes dynamically in the ajax success function like this:

//get the json response arrays
var coworker_result = response[0];
var shared_result = JSON.stringify(response[1]);

for (var i in coworker_result)
            var row = coworker_result[i];
            var coworkerID = row[0];
            var name = row[1];          
            //check if the checkbox should be checked or unchecked
            if (shared_result.indexOf(coworkerID) >= 0){
            console.log('found coworker '+coworkerID);
            //creating the checkboxes
            '<p class="description text-white dd-report-text" ><span style="vertical-align:middle;"> 
            <input type ="checkbox" class="coworker-checkbox" id="'+coworkerID+'"> 
            //this is where I attempt to set the checked value, but no love
            //do something else
    //add iCheck class to the checkboxes
    $('#icheck-container').iCheck({checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-grey',radioClass: 'iradio_square- 

Appending the checkboxes works fine, but appending the checked value like this $("#"+coworkerID).iCheck('check'); is the problem. I have browsed a lof of forums and documentation to find the solution, but nothing so fare. If I give the checkbox a static ID it works fine, so I guess the challenge is related to the dynamic ID of the checkboxes.

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