jeudi 8 juillet 2021

Change from a starting.tsx file a property inside the style.css file or a variable in another tsx file using some sort of global variable or props?

As per title is that achievable? I have the following scenario fileList.tsx: code + 1st global checkbox file2.tsx:logic to display each checkbox in a sort of list style.css

In fileList.tsx I can trigger this global checkbox and my goal is to check also che other checkboxes changing the variable.Or in alternative if I can act inside the style.css to hide them or other things. Is that possible with a sort of global variable or with props?


      function handleChange() {some logic here when is checked trigger other 
     checkbox in file2.tsx}
     <div className="checkbox">
        {" "}
        <input type="checkbox" checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />

file2.tsx ->same as file 1 basically but have the css class inside the file itself

    div className={classes.checkBoxClass}>
            {" "}
     const useStyles =....checkBoxClass:{...}

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