mardi 19 mai 2015

Check box class based click function not working

I am trying to find out which check box is selected in a group of check boxes and read its value.

The following is the checkbox format

<div class="panel-body smoothscroll maxheight300 brand_select">
          <div class="block-element">
              <input type="checkbox"  name="term" value="0"  />
              Armani </label>
          <div class="block-element">
              <input type="checkbox"  name="term" value="1" />
              Gucci </label>
          <div class="block-element">
              <input type="checkbox"  name="term" value="2" />
              Louis Vuitton </label>

I tried giving class names but it didn't work. I gave class names as class="brand_name" and tried to read through jquery click function

$('.brand_name').click(function () {
console.log("click worked")

But it didn't work. Can someone suggest me a way to do this.

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