mardi 2 juin 2015

Having problems while trying to implement a CheckBox in a custom todolist using a custom adapter?

I am adding data through an editable text to a listview, listview is custom made and each row contains a textview and a checkbox, for now I want a toast message to appear whenever I click on a checkbox of each row for that I am implementing View.OnClickListener on the custom adapter and through the OnClick method setting the if else conditions so that my toast messages can appear but the problem here is while the listview is being populated the checkboxes are not working at all, I think the problem might be that the convertview might be inflating incorrectly or the checkbox might be working with the wrong view, can someone please help me on this?

public class todoFragment extends ListFragment{

private EditText mToDoField;
private Button mAdd;
UsersAdapter mAdapter;
private TextView todoTextView;
private CheckBox todoCheckBox;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public class UsersAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> implements View.OnClickListener{

    public Context context;
    public ArrayList<String> values;

    public UsersAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<String> values) {
        super(context, 0, values);

        this.context = context;
        this.values = values;

    public void onClick(View view) {


        if (todoCheckBox.isChecked()){
            Toast.makeText(getContext(), "CheckBox is clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            Toast.makeText(getContext(), "CheckBox is not clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context

        convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.todo_list, parent, false);

        todoTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
        todoCheckBox = (CheckBox) convertView.findViewById(;


        return convertView;

@TargetApi(9) // remember this for isEmpty()
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                         Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_todo, container, false);

    ArrayList<String> todoList = new ArrayList<String>();
    mAdapter = new UsersAdapter(getActivity(), todoList);
    ListView listViewToDo = (ListView) v.findViewById (;

    mToDoField = (EditText) v.findViewById(;

    mAdd = (Button)v.findViewById(;
    mAdd.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {

            String toDo = mToDoField.getText().toString().trim();

            if (toDo.isEmpty()){




    return v;

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