lundi 22 juin 2015

How to highlight focused checkbox (tabindex)

My application have a few checkboxes, its more comfortable for the user when he could use the tab key, to check the boxes. This works already. But at the moment, the user can't see on which checkbox he is actually, only when he press enter, he knows on which checkbox he is at the moment. Is it possible to highlight the current chosen/focused checkbox with tab?

   for (int i = 1; i <= tasks; i++)
                CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
                checkBox.Name = String.Format("chkBox_T{0}", i);
                checkBox.TabIndex = 0;
                checkBox.Text = "";
                checkBox.Autosize = true;
                checkBox.Location = new Point(ChkBoxX, chkBoxY);
                boundX_ChkBox += 26;

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