mardi 19 juillet 2016

Use winform checkbox to linq query

Hope I am asking this question in the right way.

I am trying to determine the most efficient way to use checkboxes to alter what is returned from my linq query without having to code for every possible combination.

As an example, I have three checkboxes on my winform that represent three columns that I am trying to query

[ ] Year

[ ] Make

[ ] Model

I am using a linq statement to determine the distinct combinations of year make and model through EF

var uniquecombos = cb.MakeModelYear.Where(i => i.Year != null && i.Make != null && i.Model != null).Distinct().ToList();

What I would like to do is use the checkboxes on my winform to drive which fields I include in my query.


[x] Year

[x] Make

[ ] Model

would yield

var uniquecombos = cb.MakeModelYear.Where(i => i.Year != null && i.Make != null).Distinct().ToList();

Is there a good way to modify the inputs of the query without having to account for every combination of checkboxes through if statements?

Thanks in advance!

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