I am new to react. I have an array of Json Objects and I want to filter this array based on the selected checkboxes. I have multiple checkboxes based on City, Language and Topic. Please refer the screenshot below
Here is my code for the page shown above. How do I implement this functionality? I want that if someone selects a checkbox then data gets filtered and if deselects that then also data gets re-rendered. How do I achieve this?
import React from 'react';
import NavigationBar from './NavigationBar';
import SearchPageResultsStyle from "../assets/css/SearchResultsPage.css"
import Pagination from './Pagination';
class SearchResultsPage extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
console.log("Printing in the results component: this.props.location.state.data.results")
this.state = {
results: this.props.location.state.data.results,
keyword: this.props.location.state.data.keyword,
pageOfItems: [],
city: ''
this.onChangePage = this.onChangePage.bind(this);
onChangePage(pageOfItems) {
// update local state with new page of items
handleCityDelhi(event) {
this.setState({city: event.target.name})
render() {
const renderItems = this.state.pageOfItems.map((item, index) => {
return (
<h3 style= key={index}>{item.text}</h3>
<a href={'https://google.com'} key={index}>{item.tweetUrl}</a>
<p><span style= key={index}>topic: </span>{item.topic}</p>
<p><span style= key={index}>city: </span>{item.city}</p>
<p><span style= key={index}>lang: </span>{item.lang}</p>
<p><span style= key={index}>Hashtags: </span></p>
return (
<h4 style=>Showing search results for <span style=>'{this.state.keyword}'</span></h4>
<div className={'wrap'} style={SearchPageResultsStyle}>
<div className={'fleft'}>
<input name={'Crime'} type={'checkbox'} /> Crime
<input name={'Delhi'} type={'checkbox'} onChange={this.handleCityDelhi}/> Delhi
<input name={'Hindi'} type={'checkbox'}/> Hindi
<div className={'fcenter'}>
<Pagination items={this.state.results} onChangePage={this.onChangePage}/>
<div className={'fright'}></div>
export default SearchResultsPage;
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