I have an JS object where the 1st value is the div id referring to the checkbox, 2nd value is where the data is getting pulled from and the 3rd is the color
var layers={childcares: ["#childcares",'','orange'], childcare_buff: ["#childcaresbuff","","orange"],
religious: ["#religious","","blue"], religious_buff: ["#religiousbuff","","blue"],
park: ["#parks","","green"],park_buff: ["#parksbuff","","green"],
school: ["#schools","","red"],school_buff: ["#schoolsbuff","","red"]
now I have these two functions
function color(feature, color_chosen, opacity){
color: color_chosen,
fillOpacity: opacity}
this color one above is fairly simple and just sets the color
the legend_click one is where I am getting problems
function legend_click(id,layer_api,color_layer) {
$(id).click(function () {
var layer_add=new L.GeoJSON.AJAX(layer_api,{
style: color(layer_add,color_layer,0.8),
onEachFeature: function(feature,layer_add){
layer_add.bindPopup('<b>Buffer Type</b> = ' +feature.properties.buff+ '<br>'
+'<b>Address</b> = '+feature.properties.address+ '<br>' +'<b>Buffer Distance</b> = '+feature.properties.buff_dist)
if ($(id).prop('checked')==true) {
else if ($(id).prop('checked')==false) {
looping through the layers
like this
for (var key in layers){
so in the map when I click on the checkbox the layer correctly gets added to the display but when I uncheck the checkbox is it throws error and prints out noury
to the console.
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