I have a react-table
where I'm generating about 100 checkboxes dynamically. I have tried everything I can think of, but checking/unchecking the checkboxes takes a very long time before I can see any changes. It seems to be re-rendering every single checkbox before I can see a tick on the checkbox I just clicked on (the page freezes for about 5-10 secs). I'm using a change handler defined in a wrapper component passing as a prop.
// Generate columns for table
// this is added to the column props of React-Table
function setActionsColumns() {
return rolesActionsList.map((action, index) => {
const actionName = get(action, 'name');
return {
Header: actionName,
accessor: actionName,
Cell: row => {
const objectName = get(row, 'original.name');
let data = formData.permissions.filter(
perm => row.tdProps.rest.action === perm.action
let roleData = data[0];
let checked;
if (get(roleData, 'object') === row.tdProps.rest.object) {
checked = get(roleData, 'checked');
return (
// Checkbox handler defined in a class component
handleCheckboxChange = (event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { roleData } = this.state;
const target = event.currentTarget;
const actionName = target.name;
const checked = target.checked;
const objectName = target.dataset.object.toUpperCase();
const checkedItem = {
action: actionName,
object: objectName,
let checkedItemsList = [];
let isInArray = roleData.permissions.some(perm => {
return perm.action && perm.object === checkedItem.object;
if (!isInArray) {
checkedItemsList = [...roleData.permissions, checkedItem];
} else {
checkedItemsList = roleData.permissions.filter(
perm => perm.action !== checkedItem.action
roleData: {
permissions: checkedItemsList,
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