mardi 25 août 2015

Filemaker, PHP and jquery > show hide elements

I am echoing out a form (foreach) from my filemaker records which will result in the items ID, Name, a Checkbox and then an image.

In my understanding i will have to use classes or the elements will all have the same id.

My Code;

foreach($result->getRecords() as $record){
$id = $record->getField('Record_ID_PHP');
$name = $record->getField('DB_Name');
$pic = $record->getField('Photo_Path');
echo '"'.$id.'"<br>';
echo $name.'<br>';
echo '<input type="checkbox" class="check" value="Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/'.$pic.'">';
echo '<div class="pics">';
echo '<img style="width:200px;" src="Invoices/Photos/RC_Data_FMS/Invoices_db/Photos/'.$pic.'"><br>';
echo '<hr>';
echo '</div>';

Which results in a page full of the records, a checkbox and the relating image.

I wish to only show these images when the checkbox is checked but cannot find a solution, i have tried many jquery scripts, to no avail.

The images will then populate the next page as a pdf to be printed.

I am hoping not to have to grab the checkbox's values as an array to then use the get method with 100's of if statements but cant see another way ?

The jquery ive used.

$(document).ready(function () {
$('.check').click(function () {


$(function()   {
$(".check").click(function(e) {

Plus many similar alternatives.

Is there something obvious i am missing ?

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