lundi 20 août 2018

Creating checkboxes dynamically from array VBA

I have a userform as following:

enter image description here

When I pick the database I want and click select, it gets me to the other page:

enter image description here

All those checkboxes are created depending on the output of an sql query.

In this example, the SQL query is:

ID            NAME
8             AI_EQ
14            BB_EQ
19            DM_EQ
22            GD_EQ

and so on...

I am adding the checkboxes in the select button as following (from a record set rst):

'creating checkboxes    
If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
        i = 0
      With MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "Checkbox" & i)
.Top = yPos
.Left = 7
.Caption = rst![name]
.Width = 450
        .Height = 24
        .WordWrap = True
        .Value = False
        yPos = yPos + 17
  i = i + 1
End With          
            Loop Until rst.EOF
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing

Then, I would want the Finish button considering whatever checkboxes the user selects. For example, if he selects the first two, I would want to have "8,14" ID, so that I can add them into a new SQL query.

I guess I have to create an array to achieve this instead of just having rst![name]. But my attempts of creating it have failed, and even if I had the array correctly, I wouldn't know how to adapt it to have it return the ID when selecting the NAME.

This is how I am trying to create the array (but it is not returning anything)

 Dim MyArray() As Variant
For i = 0 To rst.RecordCount
MyArray = rst.GetRows(i)

Any hints/help would be appreciated.

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