jeudi 30 août 2018

Store services and activity with periodicity related in each other


<form method='post' id='userform' action='arrayvalue.php'>

       <input type='checkbox' name='servicevar[]' value='Gst'>Gst<br> <br>

        <input type='checkbox' name='activityvar[]' value='Return'>Return<br>
         <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]' value='Monthly'>Monthly<br>
         <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]' value='Yearly'>Yearly<br>

        <input type='checkbox' name='activityvar[]' value='Filling'>Filling<br>
          <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]'value='Monthly'>Monthly<br>
          <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]' value='Yearly'>Yearly<br>

        <input type='checkbox' name='arr[2][service]' value='Incometax'>Incometax<br> <br>

        <input type='checkbox' name='arr[2][activity][]' value='Return'>Return<br>
         <input type='checkbox' name='arr[2][per][]' value='Monthly'>Monthly<br>
         <input type='checkbox' name='arr[2][per][]' value='Yearly'>Yearly<br>

        <input type='checkbox' name='activityvar[]' value='Filling'>Filling<br>
          <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]'value='Monthly'>Monthly<br>
          <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]' value='Yearly'>Yearly<br>

        <input type='checkbox' name='activityvar[]' value='Return'>Revised<br>
         <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]' value='Monthly'>Monthly<br>
         <input type='checkbox' name='pervar[]' value='Yearly'>Yearly<br>

   <input type='submit' name="submit" class='buttons'>

The output of this code is:-

  • Gst
    • Return
      • Monthly
      • Yearly
    • Filling
      • Monthly
      • Yearly
  • Incometax
    • Return
      • Monthly
      • Yearly
    • Filling
      • Monthly
      • Yearly
    • Revised
      • Monthly
      • Yearly

I store all this values in mapping table,

I have serviceactivitymap Table where I store service with related activity,

I have activitypermap Table where I store activity related to periodicity.

     foreach ($_POST['arr'] as $input) {

            $servicevalue = $input['service'];
                $query2 = mysql_query("insert into mapclientservice(client_id,service_id)values('$firmid','$servicevalue')",$connection);

          foreach ($input['activity'] as $activity) {

            $servicevalue = $input['service'];

             $query3 = mysql_query("insert into mapserviceactivity(service_id,activity_id)values('$servicess','$activity')",$connection);

             foreach ($input['timeperiod'] as $period) {

                $query4 = mysql_query("insert into mapactivityperodicity(activity_id,perodicity_id)values('$activity','$period')",$connection);




This is used for store services activity and periodicity. But when I store activity and periodicity then there is problem,value of periodicity not store correct.

All the checked periodicity stored with all activity, How to store it with proper activity with periodicity

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