jeudi 28 novembre 2019

How to change status of the Flutter gridview.count checkbox list?

I generated a list of checkbox using flutter gridview.count. Now I want to separately change the status of each checkbox.

Can you please tell me how to change the value of the checkbox

Grid view

child: new GridView.count(
                            crossAxisCount: 2,
                            shrinkWrap: true,
                            childAspectRatio: 8.0,
                                List.generate(pllistdata.length, (index) {
                              return Pldata(pllistdata[index], index);

returned Widget

Card Pldata(String plname, int id) {
return Card(
  child: Padding(
    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
    child: new Row(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
      children: <Widget>[
          style: TextStyle(
              fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
              color: Colors.black54,
              fontSize: 16.0),
          value: pl_status,
          materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.padded,
          onChanged: (x) {
            setState(() {
            prefs.setStringList('PL', sflist);
          inactiveColor: Colors.grey,


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