I have a matrix in angular.js (with material.angular) which is filled with checkboxes. When the user clicks a checkbox, a HTTP-Request is send to backend server. In case the backend server is not available or the service call goes wrong for any reason, I want the checkbox to return to it's previous state (checked/unchecked). Therefore I implemented the following change-eventhandler to make the service call and react dependent on the result of the service call:
zuordnungChanged(rolle_id: string, recht_id: string) {
let a = this.zuordnungsmatrix["Rolle_" + rolle_id + "_Recht_" + recht_id];
if (a === true ){
this.rechtematrix.rechtEntziehen(rolle_id, recht_id).subscribe(() => {
a = false;
this.zuordnungsmatrix["Rolle_" + rolle_id + "_Recht_" + recht_id] = a;
//Notify user
() => {
//Notify user
} else {
this.rechtematrix.rechtVergeben(rolle_id, recht_id).subscribe(() => {
a = true;
this.zuordnungsmatrix["Rolle_" + rolle_id + "_Recht_" + recht_id] = a;
//Notify User
() => {
//Notify user
The zuordnungsmatrix variable is defined and filled like that:
private zuordnungen: Array<any>;
private zuordnungsmatrix = [];
erstelleZuordnungsmatrix(): void {
for (let rolle of this.zuordnungen) {
for ( let recht of rolle.recht_ids) {
this.zuordnungsmatrix["Rolle_" + rolle.rolle_id + "_Recht_" + recht] = true;
I bound the values from zuordnungsmatrix to the checkbox' checked-attribute like this:
<table td-data-table *ngIf="rechteUndRollenVorhanden()">
<th td-data-table-column></th>
<th td-data-table-column *ngFor="let rolle of rollen" [id]="'Rolle_' + rolle.rolle_id"></th>
<tr td-data-table-row *ngFor="let recht of rechte" [id]="'Recht_' + recht.recht_id">
<td td-data-table-cell></td>
<td td-data-table-cell *ngFor="let rolle of rollen">
<md-checkbox [id]="'Rolle_' + rolle.rolle_id + '_Recht_' + recht.recht_id"
[checked]="zuordnungsmatrix['Rolle_' + rolle.rolle_id + '_Recht_' + recht.recht_id] ? true : false"
(change)="zuordnungChanged(rolle.rolle_id, recht.recht_id, $event)">
My problem know is that I don't know how to let the checkboxes represent the actual state of zuordnungsmatrix. The variable is updated and this binding in the view works as well:
But I tried a lot to update the checkbox but It didn't work. How can I update a checkbox' state in its own eventlistener?
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