lundi 19 juin 2017

If 4 specific checkboxes are selected, then unselect them and select only the "all items" one

Now I have this form

        <input name="INTERESTS" type="checkbox" value="a" id="all"><span>All items</span>
        <input name="INTERESTS" type="checkbox" value="b" id="1"> <span>Item 1</span>
        <input name="INTERESTS" type="checkbox" value="c" id="2"> <span>Item 2</span>
        <input name="INTERESTS" type="checkbox" value="d" id="3"> <span>Item 3</span>
        <input name="INTERESTS" type="checkbox" value="e" id="4"> <span>Item 4</span>

And this javascript

var $others = $('input[name="INTERESTS"]').not('#all')
$('#all').change(function () {
    if (this.checked) {
        $others.prop('checked', false)
$others.change(function () {
    if (this.checked) {
        $('#all').prop('checked', false)

Test it at jsfiddle

If the "all items" checkbox is selected then the others are unselected. It works great, but now I need that if all items are selected (Item 1 to Item 4), then unselect them and select only the "all items" checkbox. Any thoughts on this?


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