jeudi 22 juin 2017

Prevent checkbox and clickable table row conflict

I have a clickable table row and checkbox in that row. When user click on that row, user will be redirected to other page. That was expected behavior. Now the problem is when user click on checkbox, user also will be redirected to other page. This is not the expected behavior. Clicking on checkbox should not trigger redirect() method

  handleChange(e) {

  redirect() {
    Router.push('/registration/register/RegisterEditor', '/verification/e7fe5b68-94e8-435f-8303-5308fd1f7e69');

                {inventory.list().map((data, index) => (
                  <tr key={'asset'.concat(index)} onClick={() => { this.redirect(); }} tabIndex={index + 1} role="button">
                    <td className="text-center">{index + 1}</td>
                    <td width="3%">
                      <Input className="mx-auto" type="checkbox" onChange={this.handleChange} />


enter image description here

How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

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