mercredi 21 juin 2017

Refresh checkboxes javascript

I have a problem with checkboxes: I have 2 menu that open 2 type of checkbox and I would like to have one all checked and the other not-checked when I refresh the page. this is the code:

Parete_frontale Parete_destra Parete_sinistra Parete_porta
        <div id="Indagini" class="tabcontent">
         <input type="checkbox" style="cursor:hand;" onclick="presenter.changeTexture('Parete_p2','back01_cervo.png');setInfoSofia(4);"> Image enhancement </input>
         <input type="checkbox" style="cursor:hand;" onclick="presenter.changeTexture('Parete_destra', 'destra_fluo.png');setInfoSofia(5);"> Analisi di Fluorescenza (LIF) </input>
         <input type="checkbox" style="cursor:hand;" onclick="setInfoSofia(6)"> Efflorescenze saline </input>
         <input type="checkbox" style="cursor:hand;" onclick="presenter.toggleSpotVisibility(HOP_ALL, true); presenter.enableOnHover(!presenter.isOnHoverEnabled()); hotspotSwitch();"> Indagini di caratterizzazione dei materiali </input>

the id"Scena" all checked and the id"Indagini" unchecked. Can anyone help me? thanks!! S.

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