I have a web page with a table on that shows data, I am using
*ngFor= " let item of items | slice:pgStart:pgEnd ; trackBy:function, let i = index "
to display the data and update it as the information in the table changes. ( at the moment I have a GET request polling a server for that information but that's not important). I have given the table pagination functionality and this is where the disagreement comes. The slicePipe is for the pagination.
The problems I have are with a checkbox I have on every row, and with a collapsable aspect. Every row has another row that un-collapses when you click on the row, and if you un-collapse a row then go to another page with the pagination buttons, sometimes the row remains un-collapsed. Sometimes it doesn't.
The checkbox problem is similar, if a row is selected and you change the page being viewed, sometimes the tick persists, sometimes it doesn't. This one I imagine is slightly more complex because I have a master checkbox that ticks all of them and I have used Angulars two way binding on this.
Master checkbox in header row: [(ngModel)]="check"
Individual checkboxes in row: [ngModel]="check"
The trackBy function is: (names are unique in this project)
private function(index: number, obj: any): any {
return obj.name
I think the problem is to do with what the trackBy is using to track the table rows , but I am unable to find anything to help me with its application to paginated tables. Help much appreciated
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