vendredi 20 avril 2018

Select all checkboxes in a table whose rows have style display tag

I have a table with some rows having a style display tag style="display: none;" and a toggle-all checkbox. I'm trying to make my "select all" script only check the checkboxes that are visible in rows with tag style="display: none;".

This is the script i have so far, but it checks everything, regardless of visibility. How can i check/uncheck only those that are visible?


$('#select-all').click(function (event) {
   if (this.checked) {
      $(':checkbox').each(function () {
          this.checked = true;
   if (!this.checked) {
      $(':checkbox').each(function () {
          this.checked = false;    

Toggle all checkbox

<input name="select-all" id="select-all" type="checkbox" value="checked" aria-label="..." style="cursor:pointer">



    <tr style="display: table-row;">
      <td><input type="checkbox" name="f1" value="1"></td>

    <tr style="display: none;">
      <td><input type="checkbox" name="f2" value="1"></td>


    <tr style="display: table-row;">
      <td><input type="checkbox" name="f3" value="1"></td>

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