mardi 17 avril 2018

How to get the values of multiple chechboxes and compare them

I have a number of checkbox's, but I am limiting user to be able to select 2 checkbox.

I am working on like matching game. User will have 5 options (checkbox's); When user select the 2 options, I will do a match with my correct values, and if user have selected the right checkboxes, I can move to next question.

I have a code which only limit user to select two checkbox. But I don't know how to do next. This is where we should get the values user selected, match with the correct values, and if there is a match, moves to next question.

The checkbox are generated in a foreach loop


                $xname =  1;
                    foreach($namesarray as $key => $value2){ ?>

                            <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">
                                <div class="sitelocationmatch">
                                      <input type="checkbox" class="signlocation-<?php echo $x; ?>" name="signlocation" locationname="<?php echo $value2["name_sts"] ?>" nnumber="<?php  echo $nnumber ?>"><span><?php echo $value2["name_sts"] ?></span>



                $('input.signlocation-<?php echo $x; ?>').on('change', function(evt) {

                    //actual answers
                    var actuallocationname = "The Maple";
                    var actualnnumber = "N2";

                    //when the checkbox is checked, get the attr value 
                    if (this.checked) {

                        var name = $(this).attr("locationname");
                        var number = $(this).attr("nnumber");



                    var max= 2;
                    if( $("input[name=signlocation]:checked").length == max ){
                        $("input[name=signlocation]").attr('disabled', 'disabled');


                        if (name ==  actuallocationname && number ==  actualnnumber ){





The code limits user to select 2 values; How I do next stage where the 2 selected values should be compared with actual values.


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