lundi 30 avril 2018

setValueAt for check box value in JTable Multiarray

I am currently having an issue with setting values to Checkbox in JTable. I need to store Boolean values per checkbox in rows of the table. I can display default(false) checkbox, but once I click check box, I get an exception; java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0. I am not too familiar with multi arrays with Boolean and I cannot seem to figure out which part of my code is incorrect.

public static final int CHECKBOX= 0;
private final List<Data> datas;
private static boolean CHECKBOX_RENDERED[][] = new boolean[][]{};
private static Arrays array = null;

public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    if (rowIndex >= this.datas.size()) {
        return null;

    Data theData= this.datas.get(rowIndex);
    if (theData== null) {
        return null;

    //Initialize the boolean field with table dimension
    CHECKBOX_RENDERED = new boolean[datas.size()][columnIndex];

    switch(columnIndex) {
    case CHECKBOX:
        array.fill(CHECKBOX_RENDERED[rowIndex], false);
        return false; //default
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column index");

public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column) {
    if (column == CHECKBOX) {
        Data data= this.datas.get(row);
        if (data!= null && value instanceof Boolean) {

            if (CHECKBOX_RENDERED[row][column]) {
                CHECKBOX_RENDERED[row][column] = false;
          //I think I need to set Boolean value to the specific array field 
          //but how.? 
            } else {
                CHECKBOX_RENDERED[row][column] = true;

            fireTableCellUpdated(row, column);

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