jeudi 22 février 2018

Checkbox floating upwards when adding button to html

I am using pretty checkbox library and have 3 repeating elements drawn inside a React app: checkbox, its label, and React-Bootstrap Button. When I add the Button, the checkbox floats above and I am having real trouble bringing it down, centering it horizontally:

enter image description here

The part of the code that is drawing the elements is the following one:

        <Col xs={2} md={2}>
            this.state.allExprData.length ?
              <Label bsStyle="primary" style = >
                <Glyphicon glyph="check"/>  Selected Genes
            : ""
  , idx) => {
               return (<div key={geneObj["name"]} className={"pretty p-default p-curve"}>
                 <input type="checkbox" onChange={this.onChangeCheckbox} defaultChecked/>
                   <div className={"state p-primary"}>
                      <label style=>{geneObj["name"]}</label>
                      <Button style= bsStyle="danger" bsSize="xsmall">
                        <Glyphicon glyph="remove-circle"/> Remove

I tried applying different classes (text-center, center-block, pagination-centered, etc) the way it is described in the thread:

Twitter Bootstrap - how to center elements horizontally or vertically

But no luck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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