mardi 13 février 2018

Saving checked boxes

guys. I've built a dynamic reading chart with checkboxes so that the person check the chapter they read. My question is : How can I make it possible for the checked ones to be saved so that next time they reopen or reload the page the checked ones won't be unchecked ?

// This is(obviously) how my checkboxes are set on the HTML document:

      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 1
      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 2 
      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 3
      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 4
      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 5
      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 6
      <input type ='checkbox' class = 'check'>Chapter 7

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